
air chuck中文是什么意思

  • 空气夹头
  • 气动夹头
  • 气动卡盘
  • 压缩空气式卡盘



  • 例句与用法
  • Promax tension ind corp has long sold and manufactured a variety of custo mized air shafts / air chucks / safety chucks , edge position control systems / epc , powder / air / disk brakes and clutches , ac / dc motor control systems , re - winding / un - winding systems , tension control systems , web inspection systems , automatic color register systems , servo - vector control systems , mmi interface and supervisory control and data acquisition ( scada ) systems and others such as slitting , winding , laminating , extruding , coating , and gravure printing machines , even other auxiliary devices etc . for webs such as paper , films , rubber , textiles and foils
    本公司长久以来已经从事制造及销售有关纸类,薄膜,胶片,纺织品,橡胶等薄片卷材的卷筒物控制糸统周边设备,诸如气涨轴,气涨/安全夹头,边缘追踪器装置,磁粉/气压/碟式煞车器及离合器,交直流转矩马达控制系统,收放料车动系统,张力控制装置,印刷机静态观测器,自动套色控制装置,伺服向量控制系统,人机介面及监控系统及其他有关印刷,贴合,分条,复? ,涂布,上胶,押出,淋膜等产业机械
  • Has long sold and manufactured a variety of customized air shafts air chucks safety chucks , edge position control systems epc , powder air disk brakes and clutches , ac dc otor control systems , re - winding un - winding systems , tension control systems , web inspection systems , automatic color register systems , servo - vector control systems , mmi interface and supervisory control and data acquisition scada systems and others such as slitting , winding , laminating , extruding , coating , and gravure printing machines , even other auxiliary devices etc . for webs such as paper , films , rubber , textiles and foils
  • 其他语种释义
  • air chuckとは意味:《機械》エアチャック、空気{くうき}チャック◆空気圧により爪を開閉するチャック
  • 推荐英语阅读
air chuck的中文翻译,air chuck是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译air chuck,air chuck的中文意思,air chuck的中文air chuck in Chineseair chuck的中文air chuck怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
